Family: Fabaceae
- Mexico
- Colombia
- Venezuela
- Sudan
- Tropical Africa
- Cuba
- Puerto Rico
- Jamaica
- Florida
- Tanzania
- others...
Date of flowering and fruition: From December to April
the medicine uses are:)
- in the gum for its fortification, to avoid its bleeding and for the teeth's pain.
- the dust seed, clean the internal ulcers
- stomach disease
- Diarrhea
- The leaves can be applied as plasters for pain and venereal sores
- leaves are also used for indigestion and abortifacient
- a decoction of its bark can cure frequent bowel movement
- Its bark is also used due to its high tannin content
The used parts from the Guamuchil are:)
- the crust
- the stems
- the leaves
- the fleshy part of the fruit
- the seed
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More Information;)
The Guamuchil grows from 15 to 20 meters height
The cattle and the crust are used for medicine astringent
The wood is used to make chairs to mount, in rural constructions, to make firewood and carbon
The Guamuchil is used in reforestations and for the dune fixation
It is used like a tree of shadow and ornato